Andy's "Making Care Contagious" Student Leadership Workshop
Habit #1, "Care Starts With Me!"
Since 1993 I have been presenting a student leadership program called "Making Care Contagious". Designed to empower and motivate leaders in grades 6 to 12, I perform it 100 times or more annually at schools and leadership conferences. In its full version, the workshop has over 4 hours of content. Thus, with most booking parties giving me an hour or two for a workshop, I rarely get to about half of my material. I now share some of it with you. My workshop is made of 5 habits and habits 1 and 3 are available here. Habit #1, "Care Starts with ME!", is divided into two sections on You tube. It gives insight on how to be a leader 100% of the time. Key points include: The "Hi Rule". Be an example of good decisions outside of school. School spirit starts in classrooms and hallways: be an example of care and good decisions in both places.
Part 1, 10 minutes
Part 2, 20 minutes
Andy's "Making Care Contagious" Student Leadership Workshop
Habit #3, "Avoid Stepping on Toes"
Since 1993 I have been presenting a student leadership program called "Making Care Contagious". Designed to empower and motivate leaders in grades 6 to 12, I perform it 100 times or more annually at schools and leadership conferences. In its full version, the workshop has over 4 hours of content. Thus, with most booking parties giving me an hour or two for a workshop, I rarely get to about half of my material. I now share some of it with you. My workshop is made of 5 habits and habits 1 and 3 are available here. Habit #3, "Avoid Stepping On Toes", gives insight on working well with school staff and administration, event planning tips and appreciation activities. I dedicate this piece to the memory of Don Young, my track and field coach and one of the most important men in my life. The program opens with a true story about how I surprised him and his class by taking over his gym far earlier than he expected as we prepared for a pep rally. Mr Young was kind, inspiring, a mentor, and a fantastic coach who showed you how to improve. Enjoy.